Package 'mcprogress'

Title: Progress Bars and Messages for Parallel Processes
Description: Tools for monitoring progress during parallel processing. Lightweight package which acts as a wrapper around mclapply() and adds a progress bar to it in 'RStudio' or 'Linux' environments. Simply replace your original call to mclapply() with pmclapply(). A progress bar can also be displayed during parallelisation via the 'foreach' package. Also included are functions to safely print messages (including error messages) from within parallelised code, which can be useful for debugging parallelised R code.
Authors: Myles Lewis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Myles Lewis <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.1.1
Built: 2025-01-25 04:18:44 UTC

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Versions of cat() and message() for parallel processing


Prints messages to the console using echo during to enable messages to be printed during parallel processing. Text is only printed if the Rstudio environment is detected.






zero or more objects which can be coerced to character and which are pasted together.


Prints a message to the console. cat_parallel() uses no line feed, while message_parallel() always adds a newline.

Catch error messages during parallel processing


Allows an expression to be wrapped in try() to catch error messages. Any error messages are printed to the console using mcstop().


catchError(expr, ...)



An expression to be wrapped in try() to allow execution and catch error messages.


Optional objects to be tracked if you want to know state of objects at the point error messages are generated.


Prints error messages during parallel processing. If there is no error, the result of the evaluated expression is returned.

See Also


Show progress bar during parallel processing


Uses echo to safely output a progress bar to Rstudio or Linux console during parallel processing.


  len = 1L,
  cores = 1L,
  subval = NULL,
  title = "",
  spinner = FALSE,
  eta = TRUE,
  start = NULL,
  sensitivity = 0.01

closeProgress(start = NULL, title = "", eta = TRUE)



Integer measuring progress


Total number of processes to be executed overall.


Number of cores used for parallel processing.


Optional subvalue ranging from 0 to 1 to enable granularity during long processes. Especially useful if len is small relative to cores.


Optional title for the progress bar.


Logical whether to show a spinner which moves when each core completes a process. More useful for relatively long processes where the length of time for each process to complete is variable. Not shown if subval is used. Can add significant overhead is len is large and each process is very fast.


Logical whether to show estimated time to completion. start system time must be supplied with each call to mcProgressbar() in order to estimate the time to completion.


Used to pass the system time from the start of the call to show a total time elapsed. See the example below.


Determines maximum sensitivity with which to report progress for situations where len is large, to reduce overhead. Default 0.01 refers to 1%. Not used if subval is invoked.


This package provides 2 main methods to show progress during parallelised code using mclapply(). If X (the list object looped over in a call to mclapply()) has many elements compared to the number of cores, then it is easiest to use pmclapply(). However, in some use cases the length of X is comparable to the number of cores and each process may take a long time. For example, machine learning applied to each of 8 folds on an 8-core machine will open 8 processes from the outset. Each process will often complete at roughly the same time. In this case pmclapply() is much less informative as it only shows completion at the end of 1 round of processes so it will go from 0% to 100%. In this example, if each process code is long and subprogress can be reported along the way, for example during nested loops, then mcProgressBar() provides a way to show the subprogress during the inner loop. The example below shows how to write code involving an outer call to mclapply() and an inner loop whose subprogress is tracked via calls to mcProgressBar().

Technically only 1 process can be tracked. If cores is set to 4 and subval is invoked, then the 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th etc process is tracked. Subprogress of this process is computed as part of the number of blocks of processes required. ETA is approximate. As part of minimising overhead, it is only updated with each change in progress (i.e. each time a block of processes completes) or when subprogress changes. It is not updated by interrupt.


No return value. Prints a progress bar to the console if called within an Rstudio or Linux environment.


Myles Lewis

See Also

pmclapply() mclapply()


if (["sysname"] != "Windows") {

## Example function with mclapply wrapped around another nested function

my_fun <- function(x, cores) {
  start <- Sys.time()
  mcProgressBar(0, title = "my_fun")  # initialise progress bar
  res <- mclapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    # inner loop of calculation
    y <- 1:4
    inner <- lapply(seq_along(y), function(j) {
      Sys.sleep(0.2 + runif(1) * 0.1)
      mcProgressBar(val = i, len = length(x), cores, subval = j / length(y),
                    title = "my_fun")
  }, mc.cores = cores)
  closeProgress(start, title = "my_fun")  # finalise the progress bar

res <- my_fun(letters[1:4], cores = 2)

## Example of long function
longfun <- function(x, cores) {
  start <- Sys.time()
  mcProgressBar(0, title = "longfun")  # initialise progress bar
  res <- mclapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    # long sequential calculation in parallel with 3 major steps
    mcProgressBar(val = i, len = length(x), cores, subval = 0.33,
                  title = "longfun")  # 33% complete
    mcProgressBar(val = i, len = length(x), cores, subval = 0.66,
                  title = "longfun")  # 66% complete
    mcProgressBar(val = i, len = length(x), cores, subval = 1,
                  title = "longfun")  # 100% complete
  }, mc.cores = cores)
  closeProgress(start, title = "longfun")  # finalise the progress bar

res <- longfun(letters[1:2], cores = 2)


Stop and print error message during parallel processing


mcstop() is a multicore version of stop() which prints to the console using 'echo' during parallel commands such as mclapply(), to allow error messages to be more visible.





Objects coerced to character and pasted together and printed to the console using echo.


Prints an error message.

mclapply with progress bar


pmclapply() adds a progress bar to mclapply() in Rstudio or Linux environments using output to the console. It is designed to add very little overhead.


  progress = TRUE,
  spinner = FALSE,
  title = "",
  eta = TRUE,
  mc.preschedule = TRUE,
  mc.set.seed = TRUE,
  mc.silent = FALSE,
  mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
  mc.cleanup = TRUE,
  mc.allow.recursive = TRUE,
  affinity.list = NULL



a vector (atomic or list) or an expressions vector. Other objects (including classed objects) will be coerced by as.list().


the function to be applied via mclapply() to each element of X in parallel.


Optional arguments passed to FUN.


Logical whether to show the progress bar.


Logical whether to show a spinner which moves each time a parallel process is completed. More useful if the length of time for each process to complete is variable.


Title for the progress bar.


Logical whether to show estimated time to completion.

mc.preschedule, mc.set.seed, mc.silent, mc.cleanup, mc.allow.recursive, affinity.list

See mclapply().


The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. The option is initialized from environment variable MC_CORES if set. Must be at least one, and parallelization requires at least two cores.


This function can be used in an identical manner to mclapply(). It is ideal for use if the length of X is comparably > cores. As processes are spawned in a block and most code for each process completes at roughly the same time, processes move along in blocks as determined by mc.cores. To track progress, pmclapply() only tracks the nth process, where n=mc.cores. For example, with 4 cores, pmclapply() reports progress when the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th etc process has completed. If the length of X is very large (e.g. in the 1000s), then the progress bar will only update for each 1% of progress in order to reduce overhead.

However, in some scenarios the length of X is comparable to the number of cores and each process may take a long time. For example, machine learning applied to each of 8 cross-validation folds on an 8-core machine will open 8 processes from the outset. Each process will often complete at roughly the same time. In this case pmclapply() is much less informative as it only shows completion at the end of 1 round of processes, so it will go from 0% straight to 100%. For this scenario, we recommend users use mcProgressBar() which allows more fine-grained reporting of subprogress from within a block of parallel processes.

ETA is approximate. As part of minimising overhead, it is only updated with each change in progress (i.e. each time a block of processes completes). It is not updated by interrupt.


A list of the same length as X and named by X.


Myles Lewis

See Also

mclapply() mcProgressBar()


if (["sysname"] != "Windows") {

res <- pmclapply(letters[1:20], function(i) {
                 Sys.sleep(0.2 + runif(1) * 0.1)
                 setNames(rnorm(5), paste0(i, 1:5))
                 }, mc.cores = 2, title = "Working")
